Hi, iām gina regalbuto
I am a licensed clinical social worker practicing in California. My specialization is in healing trauma, depression, and anxiety and the symptoms and stressors that follow as a result. I have also worked extensively with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder. I primarily practice through the lens of psychodynamic theory and I am an eclectic provider who utilizes the modality that serves my client's the best. I am also a certified yoga teacher so I can teach client's calming breathing techniques if they are interested in learning other ways to manage emotions.
I utilize evidence-based practices to assist clients and those EBPs include (CBT) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (DBT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Trauma-Informed Care, Somatic Techniques, (MI) Motivational Interviewing, Positive Psychology, and more.
Whether you have been in therapy before or not, reaching out to someone new for support can be very hard. I am here to answer any questions and address any concerns. This is all about you, your goals, and what is right for you. You don't have to be in this alone. Call or email me for a free consultation.
On this website, you can find information about the insurances I am credentialed with and my private pay rate. I believe that everyone should have access to high-quality mental health care, regardless of their financial situation.
Take the first step towards improved mental well-being by scheduling a telehealth therapy session with me today. Together, we can work towards creating a life filled with happiness, purpose, and peace.